Wednesday, October 8, 2014

on food shaming.

I am a wannabe foodie. I read cookbooks to fall asleep. I am never not excited about grocery shopping, I spend hours waffling (waffles? what?) over what appetizer to bring to a casual barbecue or girls' night. I went alone to a cookbook release party this week. Pinterest has learned that I only ever look at recipes, and filters out the inspirational quotes and DIY wedding ideas from my homepage accordingly.


Seattle, appropriately, also loves food. And I've recently realized this appreciation is in fact a very cleverly disguised excuse for judgment.

People love to judge. And once they've had their fill of judging appearance - fashion sense, job status, how pretty/not pretty other people's babies are - what's next? Choices. More specifically, food choices.

You're eating a burger. (First of all, WHAT?! FATFACE!) Is that beef hormone free? You know ketchup has high fructose corn syrup, right? And if those onions came from anywhere further than Yakima then you're for sure going to develop an autoimmune disorder… You didn't sleep last night? Your hair won't curl right today? You were overcharged on your last T-Mobile bill? You know why? GLUTEN.

Etc, etc.

And it's not just the soccer mom checking for pesticides in the produce aisle holding your eating against you. Them inter-web folks are doing it too! I was recently devastated to see an article on Facebook entitled, dramatically, "10 Foods You Should NEVER Buy." The cover image? A big delicious pile of candy corn. Talk about devastation! Just cancel Halloween already. What's next, pumpkin spice lattes? Carmel apples? Better axe Fall in general. And I'm afraid to think what they'll say about Christmas. Grinches.

And then there are the anti-trenders. Those who scoff at chia seeds and kombucha. Who exclusively purchase conventional and processed foods as if to say, "Hey I saved $4 on this chicken because it's not free-range, and look! I'm still here to tell about it." Those who turn up their noses to organic-buyers for being pretentious and snotty. So, in rebelling against the granola-y organic Whole Foods judgers, these food-hipsters are judging. NO ONE IS SAFE.

What's the answer? You can shop during weird hours so people don't notice you buying Honey Bunches of Oats instead of locally produced muesli. You can cough up your entire paycheck (or lack thereof) trying to keep up with the cool kids, strutting through the Whole Foods hot bar at lunch. Or just do what you want and stick it to the haters. It's a lose-lose these days... but thank goodness for candy corn to perk you right back up after that loss.

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